Bonsai: Healing and acceptance

Bonsai: Healing and Acceptance (2023)

This photographic endeavor serves as more than a mere artistic pursuit; it is a method of healing and finding contentment in the face of the challenges posed by glaucoma.

The choice of a fully manual camera, the Hasselblad 501cm, adds an extra layer of intentionality to the process, reflecting the artist's conscious decision to engage with the photographic medium in a deliberate and hands-on manner. However, this deliberate approach comes with its own set of challenges. The struggle to focus with the manual camera becomes a metaphorical representation of the artist's own journey in navigating the complexities of living with glaucoma. The imperfections and difficulties encountered in the focusing process are not only evident in the artist's technique but also mirror the obstacles faced in managing a condition like glaucoma.

The venue, the Pacific Bonsai Museum, becomes a symbolic backdrop for this visual narrative. Bonsai, with its meticulously cultivated miniature trees, serves as a metaphor for life's resilience and the beauty that can be found in constrained circumstances. The artist's lens captures the intricate details of these miniature landscapes, inviting viewers to contemplate the parallels between the art of bonsai and the artist's personal journey.

The unexpected challenges encountered during the photographic process further enrich the narrative. The exposure of the film to the elements of a monsoon introduces an element of unpredictability and chaos. The slightly unrolled film and the resulting light leaks become serendipitous elements that add an unintentional yet poignant layer to the visual story. This unintended interplay of elements mirrors the unpredictability of life's challenges and how, even in the face of adversity, beauty can emerge.

It is not just a collection of photographs; it is a testament to the artist's resilience, a reflection on the beauty found in imperfections, and a celebration of the healing power of art in the midst of life's storms.