Cong San Kids

Cộng Sản Kids (2020-23)

Cộng Sản Kids is an introspective exploration of the Vietnamese word 'Cộng Sản,' which translates to Communist. This series delves into the complexities surrounding this term, weaving a narrative that intertwines personal history with broader cultural and political dynamics.

The photographs in Cộng Sản Kids take on a distinctive significance as they are reprinted onto Vietnamese Dó paper sourced from Northern Vietnam. This material holds profound meaning, particularly in the context of the Vietnam War, where the North was associated with communism. The choice of this paper serves as a deliberate connection to the historical and political context that shaped the perceptions of communism in Vietnam.

Rooted in my own experiences within a Vietnamese refugee family, the project delves into the deep-seated trauma carried by my parent's generation due to the Vietnam War. This historical backdrop created an overwhelming disdain towards communism. Growing up within this context, my cousins and I navigated the exploration of their identities and beliefs, often finding our ideologies to be more liberal.

In the eyes of our parents, anything leaning towards the left was perceived as socialism or communism. The older generation sought solace in aligning with Republican beliefs, driven by a strong sense of American patriotism and anti-communism. The series highlights the challenges of expressing political views within the family, where dissenting opinions were met with the label 'Cộng Sản.'

The work also engages with the political landscape within the Vietnamese American community, where 48% of voters supported Trump, and a notable presence in the January 6th riot was observed. Cộng Sản Kids becomes a poignant reflection on the generational gap between current generations and their parents, addressing the complexities of political identity within the Vietnamese diaspora. Through visual storytelling, the series invites viewers to contemplate the nuances of cultural and political perceptions, fostering dialogue around intergenerational understanding and bridging ideological divides.